Relevant Experiences
Mapping and Spatial Analysis in ArcGIS and QGIS
Brownfield Investigations and Risk Assessments
Phase 1 and 2 ESAs
Surface and Groundwater Testing and Monitoring
Environmental Compliance (NEPA, Clean Water Act, and Section 404)
Stream Surveys and Biological Assessments
Field Sampling, Testing and Analysis (freshwater, ground water, soil, sediment, and vegetation)
Wetland Delineation
Landscaping and Maintenance
Ph.D. Environmental Sciences, Western Illinois University (WIU)
M.S. (Ag) Horticulture, G B Pant University of Ag & Tech, Pantnagar, India
B.S. Agriculture, G B Pant University of Ag & Tech, Pantnagar, India
Board Member (2019-Present)
Soil and Water Conservation Society Board of Directors, 2021- Present
River Action Board of Directors, 2022- Present
People’s Action for National Integration (PANI) Board of Directors, 2019-Present
Contact: anshu.singh@riversideglobal.co
Dr. Anshu Singh – Chief, Environmental Services
Dr. Anshu Singh has over 20 years of experience in wetland science, soil characterization, plant (aquatic and terrestrial) identification and urban landscaping. She brings extensive experience in large aquatic ecosystems, analyzing and interpreting surface water quality issues. During her PhD program, she conducted research at Nahant Marsh, one of the largest urban wetlands on the Upper Mississippi River. She assessed and evaluated the presence and distribution of metals in water, soil, sediment, and [aquatic and terrestrial] plants to support informed restoration decision-making. In addition to scientific studies, she also provided technical support for the development of Phase 1 and 2 Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) of the property and contributed to an important conservation effort in the Quad Cities that also had implications for site assessment and remediation at historically contaminated sites located along the Mississippi River corridor. Beyond her contributions to aquatic environmental science, Anshu has experience as a horticulturist and an entrepreneur. She is an Iowa Master Gardener and is a regular participant in conservation initiatives across the Quad Cities region – Like the entire Riverside team, she invests in the environmental well-being of our communities.
Anshu manages Riverside’s water quality and lake restoration projects, as well as miscellaneous phase 1 and phase 2 ESAs, limited subsurface and contaminated sites investigations, site reconnaissance field visits and review of state and federal environmental databases. She also specializes in historical GIS records, with skills in historical map research and spatial analysis in Arc GIS and QGIS.
Anshu is Director of Sustainability and Conservation for Corn Belt Ports and involved in planning projects, building teams and coalitions to improve ecosystem sustainability in the Upper Mississippi River system.